Daily del.icio.us for October 29th through November 1st

  • esnippet – Google Code – eSnippet just means easy snippet. A snippet repository and snippet IDE client to make snippet using easily. and you can find the demo site at http://snippet.mvnsearch.org
  • Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger » Blog Archive Never underestimate Microsoft’s ability to turn a corner « – It doesn’t matter that Microsoft didn’t get all that much hype this year at the PDC or that it didn’t sell out or that other companies like Amazon, Google, and Rackspace are ahead in the cloud game.

    You just saw Ray Ozzie turn the creaky old cruiseliner hard to port and damn, it is impressive

  • Esquire Endorses Barack Obama for President – Election 2008 – Esquire – We thought this election would be a serious fight over the future of this country, but only one candidate showed up
  • The Atlassian Blog – The iPhone, JIRA & Transformation – Oh, and speaking of the iPhone and JIRA, if you (like me!) use them both, be sure and checkout JIRA Buddy, an iPhone extension that gives you direct access to the JIRA instance of your choice
  • David M. Karr’s Blog: Book Review: Web Service Contract Design & Versioning for SOA – Overall, I was pleased with the content and level of detail in the book. Reading it motivated me to build some sample code in my primary application server, which led me down some very interesting paths and eventual discoveries
  • Where To Put Your Money Right Now « blog maverick – If you listen to me, I GUARANTEE YOU that you will earn a greater return than 90pct of the richest, supposedly smartest money managers ON THE PLANET. All those Wall Street fat cats, they can’t earn as much on their money for you as I can help you earn.
  • Ubuntu gets horny: Intrepid Ibex (8.10) officially released – The Ubuntu developers have announced the official release of Ubuntu 8.10, codenamed Intrepid Ibex. This release includes new versions of many popular open source desktop applications and also introduces several important new features
  • IntelliJ IDEA :: The Most Intelligent Java IDE – milestone 1 – A first look at IntelliJ IDEA 8, based on a newly redesigned and rock-solid platform, which takes stability and performance of the IDE to a whole new level.

    IntelliJ IDEA 8 keeps up with the ever-growing demand for technologies, frameworks and languages support while broadening the possibilities for developing rich, complex solutions that adapt to todays fast-paced environment.

  • Kungfuice.com » Blog Archive » Ext-JS Tasks & Progressbars a match made in heaven – Using Ext-JS this task was actually a lot easier then I had originally thought. Ext has these two great classes called TaskRunner and TaskManager. These classes basically allow you to create a task for execution in a multithreaded manner
  • Why I Support Barack Obama – O’Reilly Radar – we need a president who can harness the best and brightest our country has to offer, a president who is conversant with, and comfortable with, the power of technology to assist in solving these problems, a president who is good at listening, studying, and devising solutions based on the best insight available, rather than on narrow ideology. We need a president who can forge consensus, not just among the partisans in our own fractured democracy but around the world. We need a president who can inspire our citizens and our global partners to forgo narrow self interest and embrace the possibilities that we can achieve if we work together to build a better future.

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