Essential Software for Windows

You know the old routine – You get a new machine and then you spend weeks looking for and installing all the applications, tools, utilities, etc that you had on your old computer that made you so productive. There is always that utility that you use once in a while but you just can’t seem to find it.

I recently bought a new computer and decided to make a list of all the software I installed on the new computer so that I’m ready to do this again for my next machine. I wish I had discovered Belarc Advisor before I rebuilt my old desktop as a Linux (Ubuntu) desktop. So here is a fairly complete list of what’s installed on my machine and if you see something that I should have, please leave me a comment:
The Essentials


Audio, Video & Graphics

Browsers & Extensions


10 thoughts on “Essential Software for Windows

  1. Pingback: Vinny Carpenter’s blog · Daily for Sep 23, 2006

  2. Its amazing to see the same software again and again on developer machines. IMO you can see the skills of a developer from their installed software 🙂

    IDEA, DBVis, Ultraedit, MySQL, Tomcat, Apache HTTP, Glassfish, it all sounds so famillar. The only thing one can really live without are all those MySQL GUI Tools. IMO they are crap and are not worth using them.


  3. Hi Marc and thanks. I use DbVisualizer for most database interactions but I still do use the MySQL Administrator for scheduled backups to my local desktop. They have some redeeming value 🙂


  4. Maybe I missed it in your list (then again you may not choose to use it), but I did not see anything for a PGP Key?


  5. Hi Mark. You’re right – I did forget it off the list. I use WinPT, which is a free GUI front end for GnuPG. Works great and allows me to use it with Outlook, GMail and really anything else I want.


  6. Is this the same list of software you’re running since you upgraded to Vista? I just got a new laptop running Vista and I’m worried about software incompatibilities.

    Thanks… Erik


  7. I notice that you have Yahoo, MSN, and Google messengers on the list, to shorten time, space, and memory, just use pidgin or digsby, both are great (and free, pidgin is open source) multi client im apps


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